Introducing LIF3.Finance

3 min readDec 13, 2020

Why was LIF3.Finance created?

LIF3.Finance was created to bring dEaD.Finance back to life! LIF3.Finance is a fork of our previous project, dEaD. dEaD.Finance dropped from 22$ to 2$ after the DEV (me) decided to burn all ownable tokens… Little did I know these tokens would interact with the contracts reward scheme meaning people were claiming hundreds of dEaD tokens at a time!

What makes LIF3.Finance different to dEaD.Finance?

LIF3.Finance will now be fully decentralised to avoid previous mistakes from ever happening again, meaning no team tokens or marketing tokens — there will however be staking reward tokens. Staking will work with in which you deposit dEaD tokens in order to receive LIF3 tokens. This staking feature aims to bring dEaD back to life while providing opportunity for new/current LIF3 investors.

Token features

LIF3.Finance features a 10% burn function (5% burns for ever and 5% goes to the burning wallet in the form of a deposit).(0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD)

If you sell before 2 minutes you get burned an extra 5% on top of your initial 5% deposit! You are then LIF3less.

LIF3 aims to kill off those that dump their tokens seconds after buying on Uniswap. Every 15 minutes, a person who buys the highest amount of tokens and doesn’t sell before 2 minutes gets the reward from the burn wallet, (0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD). This reward can either be in the form of extra tokens upon buy back or a straight airdrop of tokens to the alive persons wallet!

The permanent burn means the supply of LIF3 is always decreasing and becoming more and more scarce, Oh and there’s no mint function

Our dEaD launch received praise for how straight forward and fast it was, this will be the same case for LIF3.Finance.


5000 LIF3 Supply

2750 LIF3 Reserved for presale

1500 LIF3 Reserved for liquidity

750 LIF3 Reserved for staking rewards (gysr staking, deposit will be dEaD token)- more info on this after launch!

60% of raised ETH goes to liquidity + 6ETH distributed to three random holders of LIF3- more details will be released in our Telegram chat along with near future staking!

Presale Details

An address will be pasted into our Telegram -( where people can send ETH.

1 ETH = 50 LIF3||Min Send: 0.2ETH — Max Send: 2ETH.

1 LIF3= 0.02ETH

Soft Cap: 20ETH || Hard Cap: 50ETH, no large presales — If contributions are slowing after 20ETH then we will launch just like we did with dEaD — we don’t like waiting around :)

Listing price will be the same as presale to stop a harsh dump upon listing.


Presale is 11:00pm UTC — Presale Countdown:

Where is the website or contract?

Website =

Contract =

Where is the GIF?!

Check out our TG chats…

